Friday, August 24, 2012

6 Years and Counting

August marks 6 years since Jason and I started dating. 
It was August of 2006- the Monday after the start of my sophomore year of college- that Jason came down for ice cream and a movie. We had tried to get together over the summer, but with both of us working and his mission trip to Ecuador it just didn't work out. He told me that he wouldn't mind coming to visit me at school because his parent's house wasn't too far. 

That Monday I called him to find out if he had anything going on that evening. I remember talking to one of my roommates about it and telling her it wasn't a date, that we were just getting together to catch up. That's exactly what I thought. Jason and I had already known each other for two years; we just hadn't seen each other in awhile. 

I still remember exactly what I was wearing and even remember that I had curly hair that day. Jason came to my apartment and then we headed to Coldstone Creamery for ice cream before going to see the movie, Pulse. Since it was a Monday night we had the theater to ourselves! By the end of the movie we were holding hands. 

We have been together ever since! 
Happy 6 years Jason!
I'm looking forward to the next six and more! :)

One of our first pictures together- Fall 2006

Monday, August 20, 2012

Daisy's Adventure

Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the lake with friends and decided to take Daisy along for the ride. We took her on the boat once last summer, and she really liked it. So a few weeks ago we bought her a doggie life vest. It wasn't nearly as hot today as it has been so off we went. 

Daisy loves riding in the boat and checking out the scenery and all the smells.

She really enjoyed swimming to Jason and back to me with her life vest! 

She is such a good swimmer!

Sunset on the way in.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Last Week's Happenings

This last week off was a busy one. 

It started Monday evening with a celebration dinner at Olive Garden for Jason's mom's birthday. We had a delicious dinner, yummy cake, and a good time with family.

Wednesday morning, Jason and I were reminded that this life is short. Jason received a call that one of his former students was killed in a car accident on Tuesday night. Jason spent a lot of time with Bubba while Jason was his youth pastor and they have been in touch ever since. It is always a shock when someone's life ends at twenty-one. Jason came home early from working out of town, and we rearranged some things in order to be able to go to his funeral on Friday afternoon. The funeral was a reminder that we are not promised tomorrow, and we all need to make sure we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are living our lives for him. Bubba's grandfather also reminded us to make sure we tell our loved ones everyday how much we love and care about them.

Thursday we headed to North Carolina to take some appliances to our friends Brandon and Jenny who are moving into a new house. We also stopped by Jason's property and Whisper Mountain.

On the road again
Jason's property overlooks this reservior
Friday night we had a good friend over for dinner before she headed back to school for the year. Jason grilled and I took care of the sides and dessert!

Cream Cheese pound cake
Saturday was kind of a lazy day, which was much needed. We had lunch with my parents and dinner at Jason's parent's house. Jason decided he wanted to try a low country boil. It turned out good in the end, but we had a couple of glitches in the process and it look a couple of hours to bring together!

Sunday morning we headed to church. They just started a new sermon series called Epic. Today was about the gospel- Jesus died, He was buried, and He rose again. It is epic! 

2 Corinthians 5:21 (NLT)
"For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ."

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Word

There are two verses that God has shown me recently that I thought I would share.

Psalm 31:14-15 (NLT)
"But I am trusting you, O Lord; saying 'You are my God!' My future is in your hands."

This verse really spoke to me. Lately some things about our future have seemed uncertain. Hearing these words from the Lord gave me such assurance. No matter what kind of uncertainty we may face; we know that our future is in His hands!

Psalm 103: 11 (NLT)
"For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth."

I love this verse too! God's love for me reaches as high as the heavens above the earth! His love is unfathomable. He loves me and you no matter what we have said or done. His love is unconditional and never-ending. I am truly grateful.

This week remember- God loves you more than you could ever imagine and your future is in His hands!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cumberland Falls

When we stopped at the Kentucky welcome center we got some information about all the tourist attractions. There are a bunch, but Kentucky is a big state! We found out that Cumberland Falls would be on our way. 

Sunday on the way home we weren't in a huge hurry, so we decided to stop and check out Cumberland Falls. It's described as the Niagra of the South! It's also famous because at midday when the sun is shining the falls make a rainbow. Also, when the moon is full and things are clear the falls create a moon-bow.  I think that would be really cool to see!

River leading to the falls
Cumberland Falls
We got to see the rainbow!
Jason and the Falls
Us at the Falls
I'm glad we took the time to stop and check out one of God's magnificent creations!

"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Heaven's Armies! The whole earth is filled with His glory!"
Isaiah 6:3 (NLT)